It´s Time To Be The Best Version of Yourself!
June 20-22 2024 Vadestena, Sweden
3 Days of Ceremony
- HOW to walk on earth -
Guidance and transmissions from Andromeda- The Path of the Blue Raven Tail
Get clarity and guidance when you need it
with MarieChristina & Team.
READY TO remember HOW to walk on earth?
Embody Frequencies Required to Build
Yourself and Improve Wellbeing
Energy can never be destroyed, only transformed from one state to another.
Compost the old, stagnant energy and stuck feelings, use it to grow a fertile inner garden.
Cultivate your journey of growing into a grander version of yourself.
It´s not in our power to change others, it´s there free will.
Put your focus, attention and appreciation into what you CAN change & feed your best version of you.
Your grandest vision of yourself will inspire others to take their step to create a fertile inner garden of positive energy
Maya Jalmarsson
This Healing method is transmitted to me from my oldest daughter Maya´s soul.
Now when the Earth has stepped into another cycle in it´s expansion, It´s time for her gift of embodying HOW to walk this earth to come through.
Live with a fully open heart, Live with all extraordinary senses available to create in balance, Live your own inner sacred rhythm.
Walk as sacred, Walk as everything is Holy, Walk your Talk - seeing through the eyes of the heart.
Embody extended senses
We are the ones building a new earth.
Through deep connection with the star beings from Andromeda we will activate and re-member the Clairs-
Clairvoyance (clear seeing)
Clairaudience (clear hearing)
Claircognizance (clear knowing)
Cairintellect (clear thinking)
Clairempathy (clear emotion)
Clairsentience (clear physical feeling)
Clairtangency (clear touching)
Clairalience (clear smelling)
Clairgustance (clear tasting)
Clairproprioceptive (clear self-referencing)
Clairvestibular (clear balance)
Walk as holy/Sacred
It´s time to fully activate your sacredness, your holy rituals into your everyday life.
When you feel trapped, the mind has a hard time growing out of your preconceptions, When your body feels stagnant it needs support of sacred movement and sacred actions, When you lost your joy, your everyday life has made you disconnect from your higher self.
It´s time to step into ceremony and allow your soul to go into Great Mystery and download your becoming.
Optimise Your Day and
Maximise Your Time
Everything and everyone has a natural rhythm.
Deep inside in your subconscious there is a natural rhythm of just resting and follow what shows up in your life and there is an natural impulse of sacred action. This is a place beyond time and space and everything happens exactly at the right time.
Through deep journeying into the subconscious we will open the doors to the natural co-creation of the decomposing power and the creation power and step into more beingness
- To be in the first group ever to receive the healing method "The Blue Raven Tail"
- 3 full days of Ceremony
- 11 transmissions from Andromeda
Transmissions that will activate the remembrance of your natural walk of sacredness and sacred action in a body and learn HOW to walk this earth.
clear seeing, clear hearing, clear knowing, clear thinking, clear emotion, clear physical feeling, clear touching, clear smelling, clear tasting, clear self-referencing, clear balance - Inner journeys
Guided meditations accompanied by gongs and crystal instruments into your subconscious and superconscious to clear blocks and align your becoming with your present reality - A circle of Soul Connections
Deep soul meetings on a soul level with lovable, heart centred, expanding human BEINGS - Recordings of the Retreat
All sessions will be recorded and shared with all participants - Guidance and Support
During the days by MarieChristina and Team
Overcome challenges, find peace
of mind, follow your Joy and express your souls mission of beingness
- You are longing to feel home within yourself, in this lifetime, in this body, in this world that we are living in.
- You are longing for your souls expression to come into manifestation.
- You are longing for an easier everyday life.
- You are longing to bring back the power to yourself and create an abundant, joyful, lovable life for yourself and your loved ones.
- You are longing for connections that is made through the heart, where everyone respects, supports and honour each other.
This and much more will be activated, co-created and embodied during our days together.
I Welcome you to join me and my team at summer solstice/ MarieChristina
Hear Directly From My Successful Students
Hear Directly From My Successful Students
Hi! I’m Marie J Ytterman professional Soul coach and modern Shaman.
My mission is to inspire people that they are so much more than they think they are. I love to empower people to grow into their becoming, a greater and grander version of themself. To Bring back each and everyone's soul remembrance of who they really are and how they can bring in their sacredness into their ordinary everyday life so life becomes filled with gratitude, appreciation and ease, no matter what shows up in life.
I have an extraordinary ability to perceive information of earths expansion about 6 month before it manifests in matter. And thereby have the gift to help you release what's in the way of that expansion on a personal level. By embodying the energetic reality first before it is expressed as matter creates a wonderful opportunity to flow WITH the growth of a new human being and a new earth instead of getting caught in the nightmare of the old story that is playing out in the world.